Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I fought the avocado, and won!

Some pictures speak for themselves. With that in mind I'll only note that the reason why Thomas is so messy is not because daddy feeds Thomas with a spatula. No, it's because Thomas likes to "help". I can't get a spoon anywhere near that baby's mouth without him simultaneously snatching at it (he has an impressively strong grip!) and lunging towards it. Today's food was avocado. About half ended up in his mouth, the other half landing on the ground, getting in his nose, in his ears, etc. We went straight from the kitchen to the bath - a favourite time of day for him - to clean things up.


James said...

I think we may have caught some of that avocado down here, actually. ;-)

Amanda P said...

I wouldn't be at all surprised. There's still some in various parts of the kitchen. Good thing Thomas loves baths.