Monday, October 20, 2008

Visit to DC

This weekend Thomas & Mommy went down to Washington, DC to see her friends. We had a great time. Thomas is a great traveler – he didn’t cry at all on the plane and, after a thorough exploration of the latch that holds the seatback tray table, he slept the whole way. (Of course our Pavlovian use of lullabyes to soothe him may have had something to do with that!)

Thomas went to the Field School to meet Natalia and was loved up and cooed over by all sorts of old friends, especially Stephanie, Tait and Jake (and Chris and Anne). I was shocked to realize that my former students are seniors now – they’re so tall!

Next we visited Ethan & his parents Anna & Todd. Ethan is 2 1/2 weeks younger than Thomas, so the boys are pretty similar in size and attention span.

From there we went to the main attraction: a reunion with my college roommates and their children. (Only baby Alastair couldn’t make it: one mom and two kids does not make for practical travel!) Jennifer & Bob hosted Beth & me in their beautiful home. (Louise stayed with Suzanne & they came over each day.) To get a sense of the weekend imagine 5 children between 18 months and 2 years 3 months running amok in a room full of toys. Now bookend them with 4 1/2 month old Thomas and 6 year old Jack. Voilà – barely controlled chaos – and we moms still managed a few good chats!

On Sunday Thomas and I went to Bobby & Milena’s to meet their 7-month-old Tiana. Bobby’s father was visiting from Bulgaria and he was quite touched to meet Thomas and to see Thomas & Tiana together. The visit (and the whole weekend) really made me realize how lucky I’ve been in my friendships!

Finally we saw Carol and then Cori came by for a while. By then I was so tired I forgot to take pictures! Ah well, the visit was the point.

André was one happy dad when we showed up in Ottawa – and the only one who wasn’t completely exhausted! What a good visit!


Unknown said...

So happy you guys were able to come. Next time we hope to meet Andre also.

Rachel said...

Ahhh, I can't believe you were so close by and I didn't know it! New Field is only like two miles from my house (even though I live in VA). Next time you come back to DC you have to let me know!