Sunday, November 9, 2008


I've been writing down a few of the things I've heard André say to Thomas since he was born. Now, 5+ months in, I think it's time to go public. Who would've guessed that a guy who studied to be an economist (and then a bureaucrat) would be so creative with words?

André tells Thomas stories - like the made-up one based on his mobile: "So a cow, a horse & a goat were taking a walk and the cow said, 'Let's walk to the moon' but the goat said, 'I don't think we can do that.'"

When André changes Thomas's diaper he sings or chants made up rhymes like
"Poop on the bum of my lovely son
gotta change him fast
so he doesn't get a rash
on his little tiny ass."

Another favorite diaper change song is
"There once was a baby,
and his name was Thomas,
and they dabbed his scrotum with a cold wet cloth..."

And then there was the evening when André declared, "I should be careful because you are reaching that point where you are going to start absorbing things. So... let's conjugate some verbs: I poop, you poop, he poops..."

And then, just two days ago, as he was feeding a nearly-naked Thomas, I heard André say "OH GROSS! This is like feeding Jabba the Hut!"

Now, just to be fair, I have my own favorite diaper-change ditties. For example:

"Hey Dude, you pooped again
now we have to
go change your diaper.
Remember to clean your gentleman parts
then we can start to make them drier."

The Beatles would die.

And here's one to the tune of Matchmaker, Matchmaker:

Wet diaper, wet diaper
Why are you wet?
You were just dry
Mommy's upset...

I vary it up from there.

And, in honor of Dad (my dad, Thomas's grandpa), I occasionally sing to the tune of "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain"

Oh it's time to change your diaper 'cause it's wet
Yes it's time to change your diaper 'cause it's wet
Oh it's time to change your diaper
Yes it's time to change your diaper
Oh it's time to change your diaper
'cause it's wet

Silliness abounds in our household!

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