Well, no pictures for the moment - and yes, we've been ridiculously bad about keeping this blog up since I went back to work (we're exhausted) - but the news of the evening is that Thomas walked.
He's been cruising around the house for weeks with one or both hands on the walls, the chairs, the cats, whatever, and he's been happily toddling around using just one of our fingers to balance, so we knew this was coming. And he's an excellent stander who can balance with a toy in each hand. More than that, like all good first-time parents we've been encouraging him to walk by playing "pass the baby" after dinner - we sit on the floor and he "walks" between us by falling forward & catching our hands.
But tonight, he stood up in front of André, took a good long look at me (on the phone, of course) and walked 5 or 6 steps before he caught my hand. Then, tickled with himself, he did it again. Our reaction must have completely delighted him because he took a few more steps over the course of the evening, but he quickly realized that crawling is much more efficient & reverted to his old ways.
Now, we'll see how long it takes before we can catch this development on film!
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