Friday, October 2, 2009


I am seriously in love with the daily "report cards" from Thomas's daycare. They tell us what he ate, when he slept, what he did, what he liked - so much information on one little half-sheet of paper. But no matter how much I treasure the written word, sometimes there's nothing like a conversation - like today when Miss Tally (Thomas's favourite daycare provider) handed me the report card and then said, "OH, I totally forgot to write down that Thomas has begun showing empathy."

I have to admit I was puzzled. "He has?" I mean, sure when he was a baby he cried when he heard other babies crying, but lately most of his interactions with other toddlers involves bashing them in the head with trucks.

"Oh yes," reassured Miss Tally, "It's so sweet. If one of the other kids is crying he goes over to them and hugs them, and sometimes we find him patting one of them to sleep."

My boy?! I am bursting with pride. I can't believe he's old enough to show empathy!

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