Saturday, August 9, 2008

required viewing

Ok, I know we're not supposed to let our baby watch TV, but we've been watching the Olympics, so Thomas has been watching the Olympics - and he loves it! He sits in his bouncy seat, sucks his fist (another new skill - well, new in the sense that now he can consistently get his fist in his mouth) and watches and watches. Oh, and he kicks. He's pretty indiscriminate in his taste - he likes swimming, beach volleyball, rowing, gymnastics, and even water polo. He really loves the motion, I think.

Anyway, we'll turn the TV off when the Olympics are over, but someday I'll be able to tell him that he actually saw Michael Phelps swim, even if he doesn't remember.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kayla has been enjoying the Olympics as well! We're taking the TV out of the living room when this is over, but for the time being... :)