Thursday, September 4, 2008

Now where did I leave that thing?

A few days ago the contractors who are re-doing the kitchen/stable ceiling (which is going well, but slowly) informed Mandy that they had found a hat in the hayloft as they were taking it apart. The hayloft, we believe, had been inaccessible for probably 25 or more years. It wasn't just any hat, mind you, it was a genuine Stetson. Not one of their cowboy hats, which would have been too perfect, but a nice, classy affair nevertheless (no longer wearable, unfortunately). We looked inside the hatband and learned that it had been manufactured in Brockville at the J. B. Stetson Company factory, which existed there from 1935 to 1970 (before then it was the Union Hat Works, which opened in 1904).

In other news, Thomas continues to grow beautifully. We were at a check-up today and learned that he weighs 13 pounds and one half an ounce and is 61.5 cm in length, which puts him at the 50th percentile for both height and weight. He's also chatting up a storm and the number of distinct noises (and the way he combines them) is growing at a breathtaking rate.

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