Saturday, September 13, 2008

This week's news

I can roll!

In the news at our house: still no usable kitchen, but the contractors have stopped tearing things down and have even started to put things up (like lights and insulation). This is good and allows us to deceive ourselves into believing that the kitchen might be usable by the end of the week. I swear I'll take pictures if we ever get that far.

We've realized that Thomas, who has no long-term memory and whose short-term memory is entirely recognition (meaning that he can recognize what he's seen before but not call to mind something that is not in front of him), has no idea that our house even has a kitchen. He thinks that the only way to cook is in a microwave - actually, he hasn't been near the microwave, so he probably just thinks our food appears from thin air. He doesn't even know that our house has a backdoor or water on the first floor. On the other hand, he probably figures the contractors are just really noisy members of the family and there's no way he remembers the bats (especially since he was the only one to sleep through both incidents.)

The biggest news of the week is that Thomas can read - no, no, I'm just kidding. The news is that rolling over has led to much better sleep for everyone. It took a couple of days, but Thomas discovered that if he could roll on his playmat, then he could roll in his bassinet and sleep on his tummy. This is bad news for the SIDS alarmists of the world (though everyone agrees that there's nothing you can do once your kid can roll over) - but it's great news for us because now Thomas can get his fingers in his mouth, wedge them a little bit and (and this is key) keep them there. I can't tell you how wonderful this is - oh wait, yes I can: it's 7+ hours wonderful. 7 hours of beautiful sleep three nights in a row. (Then a quick feed and 2-4 MORE hours of sleep.) The first night this happened, André woke up as Thomas was nursing, looked at the clock and groggily said, "One more hour, kid, and we'll talk about a sibling." So just wait for the post that says Thomas slept 8 hours in a row...

One more bit of news: our friends Kim & Jud had their twins this week - Welcome Henry & Elliott! The boys are doing well & to their (exhausted) parents, I say, "There is light at the end of the tunnel: we're just 15 weeks into this new world and we are starting to get some sleep!"

No videos right now (I'm still trying to get one of his rolls on camera - sorry, Becca), but you'll note that two of the accompanying pictures are on his tummy. Some babies hate tummy time, but our boy loves it... and here's one of Thomas playing in his new (well, used but new-to-us) Bumbo seat which is made of some foam-type material & keeps him propped up as though he's sitting. (I've decided that there is no reason to ever buy any baby item new - the used baby goods market is hopping in Ottawa!)

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