Friday, January 6, 2012

Try, try again

I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've decided I'm ready to try blogging again. Last time I got a little caught up in thinking about my audience & eventually writing became a burden - yes, even though my audience is pretty much exclusively family & friends. But I still have all these things I want to say - and now that the boys are 16 months & 3 1/2 I might even be able to get a few things down now and then. Mostly I just want to record some observations - and I want a place to be able to hold on to the memories of specific moments, to be able to vent or brag or just record. So, I've changed the name of the blog to something a little broader (and dang funny, thanks goes to André for that), and here we go again. Let's see what happens.

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